Mindful Eating Activity (PDF download)
What is Mindless Eating First, we will look at what mindful eating is not. Mindless eating occurs when you eat without paying attention to the
What is Mindless Eating First, we will look at what mindful eating is not. Mindless eating occurs when you eat without paying attention to the
Facts Versus Criticism First, it is important to distinguish the difference between facts and criticism. Facts are objective and unbiased statements about reality while criticism
It Is Okay to Feel Angry Anger is a natural, instinctual emotion activated by the limbic system in your brain. The limbic system is situated
How Sleep is Regulated: Sleep Pressure Sleep regulation involves there are three main processes: circadian rhythms (i.e., your internal body clock), homeostatic sleep pressure,1 and
Key Points Three main processes regulate sleep. Circadian rhythms – the about 24-hour body clock cycle that influences many hormonal systems in your body, including
I wanted to add something personal when naming this psychology service, so my love of ancient Greek literature and philosophy had to be incorporated. The