Appetite Insight

Navigating Food Psychology and Eating Behaviour

What is the Appetite Insight eating behaviour program?​

Appetite Insight is a comprehensive 6-session (weekly or fortnightly) individualised program designed to explore the intricacies of eating behaviour and weight regulation. The program will help you navigate the psychological, emotional, biological, environmental, and social factors that impact your eating behaviour and relationship with food. The Appetite Insight program will support you in developing invaluable insight and practical tools to achieve a healthier, balanced, and mindful approach to eating. The program is available in person or via telehealth video call.

The Appetite Insight eating behaviour program includes: 

  • A comprehensive eating behaviour pre-assessment including scoring and interpretation to ensure the program is tailored to your needs.
  • An extended 1.5-hours initial assessment to review and elaborate on information from the pre-assessment, set clear goals for the program, and provide information about the program structure.
  • Five 50-minute weekly or fortnightly appointments, each appointment focusing on a different aspect of eating behaviour. Each session is individualist to your needs so no two programs will look the same.

Navigate Food Psychology and Eating Behaviour

Goal of Appetite Insight

Lead psychologist and director of Odyssey Psychology on the Sunshine Coast

About the program provider

Tyrone Huckstepp is a psychologist, nutritionist, and qualified chef with a special interest in eating behaviour and disordered eating. His career revolves around understanding the complexities of human eating habits and helping individuals develop healthier relationships with food.

With a unique combination of psychological proficiency, nutritional knowledge, and culinary skills, Tyrone employs a holistic approach to address the multiple dimensions of eating behaviour.

Tyrone has also authored several academic articles on eating disorders, which have been published in reputable peer-reviewed journals, adding valuable insights to the field.


Who is the Appetite Insight program for?

The Appetite Insight eating behaviour program is designed for anyone seeking to improve their eating habits and establish a healthier relationship with food.

Reasons for this may vary, such as:

  • Poor health markers due to your diet and eating habits (e.g., high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, etc.)
  • Difficulty maintaining a consistent diet pattern.
  • Intense food cravings or frequently feeling hungry.
  • Difficulties with weight management.
  • Food used to manage emotions (e.g., stress, anxiety, frustration, boredom, etc.)
  • Frequent feelings of guilt when eating certain foods or quantities of food.

Book a 15 minute free phone consultation to learn more

Woman with a healthy relashionship with food eating chocolate cake

What the Appetite Insight program is not

Appetite Insight is a program designed to provide you with knowledge and tools to better understand and positively alter your eating behaviours. Although weight management is discussed during the program and weight loss may occur due to changes in eating behaviour, weight loss is not the goal of the program.

This program is distinct from therapy and is not intended to treat eating disorders or address significant body image concerns. Individual therapy can be provided as an alternative option for those seeking more focused support. You will also have the option for additional therapy after the completion of the program to explore deeper body image, anxiety, and/or emotional problems.

Are you ready to take back control?

Contact us by phone or email if you are ready to embark on a journey to regain control over your eating habits and establish a healthier relationship with food.